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Bridge Inspection and Repair

Accessing bridges over a waterway can present a number of challenges. We take care of those challenges by providing easy and stable access. Our boats and barges allow you to get workers and plant where you need them.

Crew Transfer Vessel

Scaffolding on Barges

Thorough inspections and extensive repairs take time and can require long periods of downtime between access. For long term access to the underside of a bridge, scaffolding platforms on a barge is a reliable and cost-effective solution. Large work areas can be set up to make the job as efficient as possible.

Installing Beams and Girders

Bridge load limits and underside access can cause headaches when creating repair methodologies. Our barges and lifting methods provide simple, reliable and effective installation of heavy beams and bridge girders.

Crew Transfer
Crane Truck

Elevated Work Platforms

Our barges allow the use of a variety of elevated work platform on deck. Scissor and boom lifts allow access to any area beneath a bridge, even when the water level is a significant distance below.

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